• Jul 12

    With apologies for the lack of updates recently, here’s some news about our latest fund-raising event.

    To raise funds jointly for GCP and Life Association India we put on our second garden party and barbecue on Sunday 8th of July.

    Empty garden with bouncy castle, chairs and stalls

    All we really need now is people...

    Our good friends Dave and Bee are heading out to India later this year to work with Life Association and it seemed too good an opportunity to miss, combining these great causes and mixing the cultures to put on a great summer event – we hadn’t heard of “Braz-Indian” before, but we think it has a good ring to it!

    Despite Britain having pretty much the worst summer on record, with a month of rain in a day on more than one occasion, we were blessed with sunshine all the day from before setting up to after we finished – amazing.

    The attractions included…

    The repeat of our fantastic barbecue with possibly more meat than I’ve seen in one place before…

    Picture of our chefs and their barbecue(s)

    The Barbecue










    Dalit candles and lights, cards, cakes, cupcakes, jams, marmalade, bunting and more to buy…

    Cupcakes and Dalit-made candles on a stall

    Cupcakes and candles





    Then we had our hook-a-duck again…

    John sat by a paddling pool of plastic ducks











    Plus guess the weight of the cake and the number of sweets in the jar, the bouncy castle, face painting…

    Two children having faces painted

    Face Painting

    …and best of all, over 70 of the nicest people you could ever want to meet!


    The result was a lot of fun, great community spirit and a total of over £650 raised for the Genesis Community Project and Dave and Bee’s work for Life Association India – well done to you all!



    Many thanks go to more people than we can list, but especially Chris and Sandra for the use of their garden, Charli for the cakes, Nigel for the bouncy castle and Bernie, Phil, Gill, Hilary, Dave, Bee, Sheila, John and Fiona for organising everything.  Apologies if I’ve left anyone out – it was really such a team effort.